Saturday, March 18, 2006

Egypt's Pop Sensation is back!

Egyptian pop singer Abd Al-Rahman Al-Rahim whose first smash-hit in 2001 was "I Hate Israel," followed up with an album featuring the song "Hey people, it was only a tower and I swear by god that they [the U.S.] are the ones who pulled it down," is back in full cry. This time he takes on Denmark:
Denmark? They are nothing but pagans.
Who are they to say anything about the Prophet?
Who are they to say anything about the Prophet?
About the Prophet.

Our Islam is innocent of them, and what they say is all lies.
Our Islam is a religion of love, not of injustice and terrorism.
Our Islam is a religion of love, not of injustice and terrorism.
Not of injustice and terrorism.

When you all meet in Hell, the flames will burn your faces.
The flames will burn your faces.
They will burn your faces.
Memri has the beautiful video.


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